Episode 173 - AI, Print & KnowledgeBrief, With Finn Karsten, Founder, KnowledgeBrief

Finn Karsten is the founder of KnowledgeBrief which is a a video explainer media channel that helps you to contextually track important knowledge, ranging from nuclear fusion, brain-computer implants, biodiversity loss and AI all in real-time. Starting from a background in research and film, he has set up a media channel designed to help you break down the social and economic impacts of the world's most consequential innovations, with a strong focus on AI at the moment.

We had a great conversation about AI from Finn's unique insight and perspective on how AI is being applied and developed, the impact it is making, and the likely way it will develop for the printing industry!

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Episode 174 - What's the Point? in Personalisation, With Brendan Perring, General Manager, IPIA


Episode 172 - Zaikio: A Brand on the Run, With Sandra Engel, Marketing Manager and Karl Ciz, Partner Success Director